Discover The Answers to Your Burning Questions With These Unusual Photos

By: Lilli Keeve | Last updated: Aug 18, 2023

The English philosopher Francis Bacon once said, “Who questions much, shall learn much, and retain much.” Naturally, humans are inquisitive beings, and asking questions is ingrained within us. Truly, the questions of the world are endless. 

For those curious folks who reside on this planet, we have some answers to your pressing questions about “what if” this happens. We’re enlightening your soul and spirit with some bizarre things that people were curious about and decided to document. 

The Watermelon Whose Growth Won’t Be Obstructed

When we were kids, we learned that living things adapt to their environment and all the changes that surround them. Plants remarkably grow around anything that’s in their way, and the result is sometimes seeing plants with cool shapes! 


Source: onedio

Sunlight, water, and nutrients are essential for the growth and survival of plants. This example shows the watermelon that grew around the obstruction, which, in this case, was a fence. It was altered in two parts rather than the full roundness of its shape. 


Taking A Photo While Getting A Vibrating Phone Call

Smartphones are an essential part of our daily lives, and for taking photos. In fact, you don’t even need to purchase an actual camera because the cameras on smartphones are pretty high quality. What happens if you’re taking a photo and your phone starts to vibrate from an incoming call?


Source: Reddit

Well, this is what happens! The home across the way turns out to be all wavy and appears a bit distorted if you pay careful attention to the details. Luckily, the result is actually really cool. 

This Person Wanted To Know What Heating A Marker Would Look Like

Whoever the person was that took this photo must have been extremely bored. The warning label on the Sharpie clearly said to not expose the marker to any heat…whoops! Obviously, this was an intentional act of both boredom and curiosity. 


Source: onedio

What’s that black stuff coming out of the marker? It looks like ink steam and is pretty neat, actually. Just don’t accidentally put your face by that steam or the result could be very bad and hard to get off! 

The Soda Can Is About To Pop

It’s a common component in physics that heat causes things to expand because the atoms or molecules would grow apart. But, in this photo, the air molecules are trapped in the soda can. 


Source: onedio

This clearly happened during the summer when air molecules collect heat and then expand in the can. Because the molecules get trapped, that’s why the can is pushed upwards (hence, the source of the peculiar bump on the lid). While this nifty science experiment can be done by anybody either at home or in their car, be careful just in case there’s an explosion!

Popcorn On A Cob…Looks Like What?!

People typically eat popcorn on its own, out of a bag, or in a bowl. This particular person, however, decided to make popcorn right on the cob itself. Wow, that’s something we’ve certainly never heard about or thought of doing before!

Source: onedio

Popcorn is usually bought in the store so not everybody has to make it at home. But, for those that want to get crafty and try this experiment at home, you certainly can. Be aware, however, of flying popcorn that may come off of the cob. 


Melted Asphalt Can Appear To Be Pretty Artistic

Often, lightning is observed from afar during rainy nights. Most people do not know that the temperature of lightning is six times hotter than the sun’s surface. This is much more than the temperature of asphalt which can be 180 degrees Celsius at the most.

Source: onedio

When asphalt is struck by lightning, it melts into extremely bizarre and unimaginable shapes. This particular piece of asphalt almost appears to be some sort of decoration that you could put in your living room. Needless to say, your guests would be pretty amazed!


Waterbed On The Basketball Court

There’s a certain natural phenomenon called the grass waterbed that many people probably aren’t aware exists. It’s when water gets trapped in pockets beneath the ground’s surface. However, when this happens to your school’s basketball court, this is far from natural. 

Source: onedio

Clearly, this basketball game would be called off considering the state of the court. Putting any pressure over that hard-floored waterbed would definitely cause a messy situation! The reparations for the damage would be disastrous, costly, and dangerous if a pipe burst.


Crystals Form In Untouched Play-Doh

Crystals form when Play-Dohs is left untouched for a long period of time because of this scientific explanation. In fact, when Play-Doh is produced, large amounts of table salt are added to prevent them from getting moldy. 

Source: onedio

The salt serves as a preservative. If you were an adventurous kid who was curious about tasting Play-Doh, it would actually be quite salty. As the Play-Doh hardens, the salt solidifies and forms these tiny, pretty-looking crystals. They actually somewhat resemble small purple flowers, too!


You’ve Probably Never Seen An Insect This Way Before

We’re very sure that the insect in this photo is not part of the fabric design. This insect was obviously feeling quite adventurous and got himself trapped in the printer. While the printer printed out the design, the insect’s shape also got imprinted, too. 

Source: onedio

This tiny insect likely didn’t really ruin the entire product, but it’s rather funny. Make sure you show your guests the result because it will guarantee some laughs! Yes, the insect will always be remembered. Gone, but not forgotten. 


Freeze Drying Your Gummy Worms

If you are naturally a patient person, then you will be delighted to see the result after waiting for your gummy worms to freeze dry. And, yes, this is another thing to be performed in the comfort of your own home. For those who have no interest in doing this on their own, we will share the details with you. 

Source: onedio

After the gummy worms are placed in the freezer, they end up expanding, hardening, and being chewier than before. If you are feeling compelled to gobble down an entire pack of freeze-dried gummy worms, you will need to put that patience to good use. 


The Aftermath Of Putting A Baby Spoon In The Dishwasher

The contents that comprise baby spoons are vast, and the possibilities could seem limitless. However, they are not made of something that protects them very well from heat. Baby spoons have to be made of soft materials since baby teeth are fragile and soft. 

Source: onedio

So, if you decided to put a baby spoon (whether it’s on accident or intentional), into the dishwasher, it would probably melt. Glancing at the melted spoon gives us a weird feeling and we feel bad for the son in the scenario. 


This Frozen Tire Resembles A Spiky-Looking Wheel

You would be excited about this phenomenon, especially if you hail from a country that doesn’t get a true winter. The water on the wheel froze as it was spinning and the water flung outwards, causing these mesmerizing spikes!

Source: onedio

The hard task of removing these icicle spikes would need to be prioritized by the bus driver as soon as possible. They have places to be, and things to do, and they simply couldn’t afford to have their tires destroyed by these dangerous icy spikes.


Putting A Flashlight In A Kaleidoscope Produces Colorful Results

Kaleidoscopes were a fun and exciting toy to use as kids when we were growing up. These toys use mirrors to create remarkable and unbelievable images. What if you placed a flashlight into the kaleidoscope?

Source: onedio

Well, the result is cool and unique! The flashlight’s beam is reflected into the kaleidoscope’s mirrors which form a vast array of colors that are intriguing to stare at. Kids, you can try this at home. Also, kaleidoscopes aren’t outrageously pricey so you can ask your parents to buy one. 


What Happens If Antibiotics Are Left Outside?

After we visit the doctor, and, if the case permits, they need to prescribe antibiotics that taste syrupy. We would likely be reminded to shake it all up very well before taking. Also, it needs to be kept in the fridge so it doesn’t go bad – the antibiotics are made out of good bacteria.

Source: onedio

So, this person wanted to know what would happen if they left the bottle outside where it’s extremely hot? The result is pretty gross and made our stomachs queasy. How is this medication that we’re supposed to ingest? We’re supposed to be healed not revolted!


Fire And Plastic Do Not Mix…Obviously

Burning charcoal should only be done when you’re having a bonfire, barbeque, campfire, or an indoor furnace fire. And, it seems to be common knowledge to leave them alone for a decent period of time after the fire dies out, and, before disposing, let it cool. 

Source: onedio

This “intelligent” human being made the decision to dump hot charcoals in a plastic trashcan. Didn’t they know that heat would melt the plastic? No, we guess not! But maybe they were just curious. 


This Vinyl Record’s Owner Was In For A Surprise

It should be common sense that objects expand when heat is applied to them. However, what would happen if the object was flat and doesn’t have much room for expansion? The sides would expand in a wavy design, and, thus, your flat object serves no purpose anymore. 

Source: onedio

This idea is more viable when applied to a vinyl record. The absent-minded person who took the photo left his record in the car and was in for a big surprise! This is a PSA to not leave objects in your car during the summer because your car turns into a piping-hot furnace. 


When Maple Syrup Crystallizes

There’s nothing better on a Saturday morning than warm, yummy pancakes with some sweet maple syrup drizzled over them. But, what happens if you neglect your maple syrup in the cupboard for an unusually long time? 

Source: onedio

Well, the syrup is made out of various saturated sugars which causes crystallization. This turns the syrup into sugar crystals…literally! It begs the question: if we can ingest medicines in tablet form instead of syrup, perhaps we can do the same with maple syrup crystals. We feel this is a valid thing to give some thought to! 


What Your Sleeve Looks Like After Major Wind Damage

We doubt that anybody has tried this experiment before, but it happened to this person! It’s incredible how much damage the wind can do to one person’s sleeve. So, how can our miraculous Earth tear the sleeves of this person’s sweater apart? Always carry a windbreaker with you just in case the weather gets really crazy! 

Source: onedio

The windbreaker is more than a miracle jacket! It shelters your clothes from being damaged and is supposed to help you “break” the wind. 


When Your Driver’s License Gets Stuck In Your Wallet For Too Long

You may want to put your name on something to identify that a specific special item is yours. Or, what about just putting your face on the item itself? Seriously, the joke’s on you if you don’t think that your driver’s license will take on a life of its own inside the wallet’s plastic sheet.

Source: onedio

From time to time, maybe consider taking out your license so that your face doesn’t become imprinted in your wallet. The result is very spooky and it’s as if the wallet is haunted! Although, it is your wallet and it’s up to you what’s done with it. 


When Lightning Strikes At A Golf Course

Lightning has a penchant for striking the tallest thing in any area. A golf course is fairly flat, except for the golf flag itself, which is likely where the lightning will want to strike. Clearly, Zeus wasn’t satisfied with his golf score. 

Source: onedio

Zeus’s lightning bolt left traces of its trajectory on the course, aside from the missing flag and the sad-looking flagpole. You can also see all the charred marks on the field from Zeus’s angry reign. This is a warning that you should take them out the next time you want to play a golf game while a thunderstorm is raging!


These Light Beams Resemble Something Extraterrestrial

For all of your physics lovers out there, this is probably something that would pique your interest. Because light travels in a straight line, more than one light source behind a door would cause multiple rays of light to enter the dark room. 

Source: onedio

Perhaps you’ve done cool experiments like this in physics class, so you may already know how this works! You should definitely try this at home and then you can share your close alien encounter with your friends. 


When More Than One Type Of Soap Is Combined Together

Different ingredients and levels of solubility make up all the kinds of soaps that exist out there. So, if you mixed these together, the result would be an immiscible soapy blend – which consists of different densities.  

Source: onedio

Since both soaps consist of different densities and solubility, the final result is a mix of random patterns. It kind of looks like mini mushrooms or small jellyfish! But, the gases could be toxic so be careful to not inhale the mixture. 


When A Spoon Lasts Longer Than Some People

It’s no surprise that people have their favorite utensils in the kitchen and ones that they have to use during meals. That being said, it’s not an everyday occurrence to see the same spoon that’s been used every day for this person’s whole life. For the past five decades, they’ve used the exact same spoon.  

Source: Reddit

For a 50-year-old spoon, it’s not in the worst of shape. What happens if the person used that same spoon for the next 50 years? Well, they probably wouldn’t even last – if anything, the spoon would outlive them! 


This Lemon And Lime Water Looks Strange

Some lavish hotel lobbies and buffet restaurants may have water dispensers full of spa water. This kind of water usually consists of lemon, lime, and sometimes mint and apples. The extra-observational person who took this photo noticed something rather interesting. 

Source: Reddit

Even though both the lemon and lime are a part of the citrus family, they seemingly have differences in their densities. The lemon floats on the water, yet the lime sinks to the bottom. The reason for this is probably because the lime is denser than water and the lemon is less dense compared to water. 


A Storm Tore The Entire Road Apart

This photo is a testament to the fact that nature is often stronger than anything else in the world. While this wouldn’t happen in every country, the particular infrastructure of this road was clearly not very well thought out. 

Source: onedio

Mother Nature will gladly rip apart any of our infrastructures whenever and wherever she pleases. On the other hand, this is a prime example of how poorly our roads are constructed and that even a storm can tear them apart easily. 


When A Stone Surface Erodes

It’s not news that the constant flow of water on a particularly rough surface causes it to erode into a smooth surface. That’s just basic geography, folks! As shown in the photo, the rough stone surface was eroded to create a smooth surface on the sides. 

Source: onedio

The whole surface, in due time, would turn smooth, but that would be in a matter of years or decades. Science definitely makes everything around us much more interesting and appealing. 


Allow Nature To Grow On Its Own

A lot of us truly love plants and have a deep investment in them. Although, some people may not even know that quite a few home plants still require trimming on a regular basis. 

Source: onedio

But, not all plants need trimming to appear beautiful. In this photo, Mother Nature is doing what she does best and she doesn’t need any human assistance! It’s true that the plant growing out of the big pot is even prettier without trimming. 


When Grass Grows Out Of A Grass Seed Bag

When you buy seeds, the intention is for plants to grow out of them. So, what happens if the plant grows even before you plant them into the dirt? We admit that would be very funny, but it would definitely save you some time from waiting for it to sprout. 

Source: onedio

At least that person knows the seeds they got worked. Actually, they are so good that they don’t even require soil for their growth. This is the perfect time to tell your friends and family about this brand of seeds. 


When Lays Get All Shriveled Up

In the grocery store, there’s that special aisle where all the chips are stored. The chips either come in bulk or separate bags or are completely filled to the brim before they’re sealed. And, what happens if you put a chip bag into the microwave? Surely, you haven’t tried that.

Source: onedio

Well, this certain person actually did it. Much to their surprise, instead of the expected explosion, the bag turned into a shriveled-up chip. Indeed, the result is rather dramatic! 
