The Woman Who Lives A 1950s Housewife’s Existence

By: Carissa Moore | Last updated: Nov 02, 2023

Many people look back on the past with fondness and think, “Those were the good old days.” For some, the 1950s represented an era of simpler times.

The 1950s were long before the age of the internet, smartphones, and social media. Many who remember the decade probably wish they could turn back the hands of time to experience the era all over again. In fact, one woman from Tennessee has become so obsessed with 1950s nostalgia that she’s trying to emulate everything about traditional housewives of that time period.

Spending Big Bucks to Recreate the 1950s

At 38 years old, Misty Snow is too young to have been born in the 1950s, but she is captivated by everything that era represents.


Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

She has become so interested in the mid-century way of living that she has fully embraced living like a modern-day 1950s housewife. Snow has spent more than $15,000 to recreate the signature style of the decade, and has no plans to stop any time soon.

A Blast From the Past

From authentic vintage items to retro appliances, Snow has searched high and low to acquire items from her beloved decade.


Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

Her home’s aesthetic is so wholesome it looks like it could have been the television set for “Leave It To Beaver.” Transporting herself back in time is her main objective, as she strives to find original and authentic pieces from the 1950s.

Where Did Her Love of the 1950s Come From?

The Nashville native’s interest in all things from the 1950s started at an early age. She always had a close relationship with her grandma and developed an affinity for her timeless sense of style.


Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

Snow was mystified by the relics that filled her grandmother’s home. She was comforted by what the 1950s represented for her and the era holds a special place in her heart.

Vintage Housewife Dreams Become a Reality

After meeting her husband, Justin, in 1999 and eventually marrying him in 2005, Snow set out to achieve her lifelong goal of living like a real 1950s housewife.


Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

She didn’t just want to cook and clean—she wanted to fully transform into an old-school housewife from the past. She has always been endeared by mothers of the 1950s and 1960s who somehow managed to keep their homes pristine and themselves perfectly dolled-up at all times.

Getting Serious About Tracking Items From the 1950s

After her nuptials in 2005, Snow became serious about adding to her collection of 1950s memorabilia. She searched for items that she recognized from her grandmother’s house, and was often successful in her quests.

Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

Vintage stand mixers, radios, and clocks fill her retro-decorated home. One of her most prized possessions is her extensive assortment of Pyrex Tupperware—she has more than 400 pieces of the vintage kitchen containers.


Spending a Small Fortune on 1950s Pieces

Money is no object when it comes to this housewife hopeful getting her hands on a rare piece of history. Snow believes that she has spent more than $15,000 on her classic collectibles.

Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

She adores every piece she owns, and her most expensive items are Haywood Wakefield furniture which was a mainstay in American homes more than 70 years ago. One Haywood Wakefield chair costs $300. Misty has three of them.


Acting the Part, Too

Snow’s admiration for the 1950s goes far beyond collecting items from that decade. She also upholds the traditional values and responsibilities of a 1950s housewife.

Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

From keeping her home in tip-top shape to tending to her family’s needs, Snow is a vintage woman to her core. She eagerly cooks, cleans, shops, and does everything necessary to keep her home running smoothly.


Deciding to Downgrade Her Collection

When Snow and her family moved from New York to Nashville, she had to cut back on the size of her vintage collection in order to achieve an authentic 1950s minimalist lifestyle.

Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

Rather than stocking up on multiple stand mixers or radios, she only has one or two of each. Products were built to last in the 1950s, and Snow hopes that her vintage collection will remain intact for many years to come.


A Family Supportive of Her 1950s Infatuation

Misty’s husband and 19-year-old daughter, Hanna, are very supportive of her obsession. Hanna grew up looking at her mom’s vintage collection and she, too, became enamored by retro aesthetics.

Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

Hanna draws inspiration from the 1960s and 1970s when it comes to her personal style. Justin dutifully helps his wife find vintage pieces. Though he doesn’t dress in retro regalia, he appreciates her dedication to the 1950s theme.


Searching for an Original 1950s Home

When uprooting to Nashville from New York, Snow told her realtor that she wanted a home that resembled a “time capsule.”

Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

The realtor delivered in a big way and found her an authentic home from the ‘50s that had all of its charming original attributes. The hunt for the perfect 1950s home wasn’t easy, but Snow was grateful she found what she was looking for. “Thankfully, we found one after a lot of searching,” she said.


Some Don’t Understand It, But That Won’t Change Her Love of the 1950s

While Misty loves her vintage take on life, others are confused by her retro flair. She often receives rude comments from strangers asking her things like, “Why are you dressed up for Halloween so early?”

Source: mistysnow8/Instagram

She also noticed people taking candid snapshots of her when she’s out in public as if she is a spectacle they had never seen before. Despite the mixed reactions, Snow is unphased by others’ commentary. She is happy living as a 1950s housewife, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
