The Many Lives of Listerine: Where Will You Use It Next?
Do you have bad breath? Did you wake up and feel kind of stinky? Run to the bathroom and swallow or gargle Listerine and voila, you’re fresh as a daisy.
Listerine has been around for about 150 years and is a potent antiseptic that, as the ads say, kills the bacteria that cause bad breath.
But wait, there’s so much more that Listerine can do!
The Aftershave Solution
As an antibacterial, you can imagine the many uses of Listerine for everyday life. For example, you might not know that after shaving, there is a greater possibility of bacteria entering your skin. That’s why so many men find their post-shave faces itchy.

Source: bladetap/ Pinterest
By patting some Listerine on the face, the skin is super clean and fresh. And if the shaver has cut himself, those cuts are sanitized by the mouthwash’s alcohol content. So don’t worry if you run out of aftershave – comfort is right there by your sink.
The Fungus Which Must Not be Named
Toenail fungus – let’s talk about it. It may be a bit gross, but we all know it needs treatment. Without some treatment, it can spread and affect nearby skin, just like athlete’s foot and other nail problems.

Source: Tarif Paylaşımları/ Pinterest
So grab the Listerine and pour some into a warm water soak. Add feet and wait for about 20 minutes. The Listerine is in there, killing the fungus and disinfecting the area. See? That wasn’t so bad.
After the Flush
Did you know that a simple toilet flush is not enough to clean the bowl? Stains accumulate quickly and are more than unpleasant. None of us is a big fan of the toilet bowl scrub, but you must consider ridding that bowl of bacteria and other nastiness.

Source: Ehow/ Pinterest
Bring out the Listerine – our good friend provides an excellent toilet bowl cleaning liquid. Just pour and brush. Your toilet will thank you, as will your house guests.
Un-Itch with Listerine
Does your skin get itchy at night? Is it so itchy that it prevents you from falling into a restful sleep? Did you get a bug bite and can’t get to the pharmacy for an antihistamine to stop the itching?

Source: Pinterest
Get a cloth or cotton ball, pour a bit of Listerine on it, and then apply it to your skin. The itch will die down quickly, and you’ll smell wonderful as you lie down for a good night’s sleep.
Don’t be Flaky
We are willing to bet that you have never heard of this use for Listerine – getting rid of dandruff. Dandruff is one of the most embarrassing and annoying problems since you are constantly worried that someone will notice the flakes on your shoulders. So, if you have dandruff, we have a solution.

Source: BlackDoctor/ Pinterest
Pour Listerine into your hair in the shower, massage it in for a few minutes, and rinse it out with your regular shampoo. Those dead skin cells will wash away. Go ahead and put on that black sweater.
Smelling Like a Daisy
Perspiration is a big problem for some of us, even in cold weather. What happens is that sweat and skin cells mix with bacteria and create an odor. So when you sneak that armpit sniff and know you need help, reach for the Listerine (you could keep a small bottle with you for emergencies).

Take any cloth (even a paper towel from the nearest ladies’ room) and pour some Listerine on, then dab it under your arms: instant freshness and freedom from embarrassment.
Ick! Lice!
When your child comes home from school with a note about head lice, it feels like the world has come crashing down. You know the drill – scalp treatment, washing the clothes and linens, and constant re-checks. Not to mention checking everyone and everywhere in the house.

Source: Daily Mail / Pinterest
Listerine can prevent these awful creatures from spreading any further. After soaking the head, follow up with a scalp massage with Listerine. Then cover the head for about two hours, rinse, and repeat until all of the lice and nits have been eliminated—best of luck, parents.
Mobile Phone Screen Cleaner
People have become so attached to their phones that they need to have the device close to them almost wherever they go. They bring it when jogging to store activity data, in the gym, restroom, theater, and all that jazz.

Digital Trends
The phone screen needs to be cleaned up from time to time as those smudges can contain bacteria that can cause acne and other skin issues. Just dab the surface with a microfiber cloth soaked in Listerine to disinfect and wipe away the grime.
Make Your Pets Tick-Free
Now that we know how mouthwash can prevent the spread of infectious cooties in human hair and skin, it is wonderful to know that our furry best friends can also benefit from Listerine’s decontamination prowess.

Listerine is much cheaper compared to specialized pet flea sprays yet just as effective in eliminating the parasites. Simply mix the mouthwash with regular dog shampoo when bathing your pet and apply as usual.
Quick Sting Relief
Wasps and bees generally only attack people when they feel they need to defend themselves or their nest or hive. If you keep calm, an insect that lands on you will usually just fly away. Otherwise, they may thrust a barbed stinger into your skin that will cause a large localized swelling mixed with pain and itchiness.

To relieve the skin reaction, especially the resultant pain from the sting, wash the affected area with soap and apply Listerine mouthwash as quickly as possible.
Forgot to bring a toner with you while traveling or camping? Listerine can be used to swab oil and dirt particles from your face and unblock your pores if your skin is looking congested.

Smartly Stuff
To apply the mouthwash as an astringent, use a dipped cotton ball and gently massage the skin in a circular motion. Finish the process with a dash of cold water to feel fresh.
Disinfect Your Toothbrushes
It is advisable to replace a toothbrush every three to four months. This may seem extreme, but it’s important to remember it has been battling with a daily onslaught of germs and plaque. Thankfully, you can keep your toothbrush fresh by disinfecting it with Listerine.

Clean a toothbrush by pouring hot water over it before and after use, and, from time to time, soaking it in a glass filled with Listerine mouthwash.
Heal Bruises And Reduce Skin Discoloration
Some people are quick to bruise, even after minor bumps and stumbles. It is not uncommon to get black and blue marks when lifting weights at the gym, and older people get bruised easily because of their thinning skin.

Z Living
To cure bruises, which is a collection of damaged blood cells near the surface of the skin, gently press a cloth soaked in Listerine around the affected area to increase the flow of blood.
Computer Screen Cleaner
Dirt gradually accumulates on computer monitors after a while, making images appear blurry. Touching your screen is a common habit that could lead to invisible germs thriving there. You don’t want to know how many gross microscopic things are lurking on your fingers.

Digital Trends
Wipe off and sanitize the surface by using a soft cloth moistened with Listerine mouthwash. Make sure not to miss the corners, and your computer screen will be germ-free and clear once again. This trick can also be used on TV screens and smartphone screens.
Washing Machine Disinfectant
When clothes are dumped inside a washing machine for cleaning, millions of bacteria are essentially thrown in along with them. Shared laundry, which is not uncommon, is an eclectic compilation of all sorts of germs that will thrive even more in the low-temperature water the machine uses.

Reader's Digest
Keep the washing machine germ-free by mixing Listerine mouthwash with your usual detergent. Simply add a cup so the clothes, along with the machine, are sanitized.
Quell That Garbage Smell
The garbage you throw in the bin will start to stink in a few hours as it begins to decompose. The longer it stays there mixed with other stuff, the more penetrating it will be to your olfactory system. This is due to the production of gases and chemicals that are part of the breakdown of organic and inorganic matter.

Eliminate this garbage stench by putting in a towel that’s been soaked in mouthwash. Its powerful menthol smell will subdue the odor.
Keep The Bathroom Clean And Fresh
Bathrooms are a haven for germs that need to be cleaned regularly to avoid developing sickness in the household, especially among those who are highly vulnerable. Toilet bowls, bathtubs, windows, and sinks, can all be high-risk spots for germ accumulation. They can be breeding grounds for pathogens and potentially harmful organisms if not sanitized.

Listerine mouthwash is a go-to for this purpose. Its antibacterial properties will work wonders when scrubbing off hard water and killing germs on all surfaces. Just mix it with water and start wiping away.
Zap Bad Breath
It is recommended by the American Dental Association to brush your teeth twice a day, ideally thirty minutes to an hour after a meal. This takes out the food debris in between your teeth and brushes away acidity, while dental floss removes everything a toothbrush cannot reach.

For comprehensive oral hygiene, Listerine mouthwash can be used as a cleanser to keep your breath fresh and mouth germ-free between cleans. This reduces the risk of developing cavities and gum disease, so it’s worth adding to your routine.
Protect Your Plants
If the plants in your backyard are not developing as expected, or if you’re seeing crinkles in the leaves, stem rust, or bacterial spots, chances are your soil is infested with fungi. Fungi comprise the majority of plant pathogens and need to be taken out.

A concoction of 3 parts water with 1 part mouthwash has the potency to decimate fungus and mildew. Spray on the soil to protect your plants from diseases and further damage.
Get Rid Of Ticks
Tick bites are generally harmless. These tiny parasites are common in woodlands, and they like to stick on human body parts that are warm and full of blood. However, there are tick-borne diseases that may manifest in the form of fever, chills, headaches, muscle pain, and worse. They can be even more dangerous for pets, so it’s essential to be vigilant.

CK Health
To get rid of a tick, dip a paper towel into a glass filled with Listerine mouthwash and coat the tick with it. The menthol should upset the creature, causing it to burrow out.
Mold Prevention
Though they can provide relief for the common cold or flu, a humidifier may turn harmful if mineral deposits from the water accumulate and develop mold. Once this happens, the device will blow harmful bacteria into the air, destroying its therapeutic value.

Wow Decor
Prevent molds, mildew, and germs from developing in a humidifier by using Listerine as a cleanser. Simply wash it off with water once you’ve finished cleaning the device. This will keep your household safe from mold-related health problems.
Metallic Wall Art Polish
Wall decor provides a finishing touch to your home’s interior design, setting a theme that evokes the mood you want to begin each day with. It may be expensive and require occasional dusting off, but it’s worth it. The only problem is, the metal parts may eventually lose their luster because of the air’s moisture content.

Protect your investment in the arts by polishing the metallic parts of your decor with Listerine mouthwash. Just dilute the antiseptic with water and use the formula to wipe the pieces thoroughly. Your decor will shine again!
Eliminate Garbage Disposal Odor
The leftovers thrown in a garbage disposal unit will soon stink as they decompose and create chemical reactions with other scraps. This offensive odor may stick in the garbage bins even after the food waste is gone.

Sauk Plains Plumbing
To eliminate this terrible odor, just pour half a cup of Listerine mouthwash into the disposal unit. The rotten smell will be gone in a few moments, and your family or housemates will be ecstatic.
Prevent Blisters From Getting Infected
Blisters are usually harmless but also annoyingly painful. Skin friction causes them to form, especially on the hands and feet or any body part that experiences friction, heat, or chemical burns. Though they may be on the outermost layer of the skin, blisters still need to be treated to prevent them from developing an infection.

Once infected, a blister will start to smell. Pus soon develops, followed by fever and chills. Before it gets to this, treat the blister by wetting a cotton ball with Listerine and dabbing it on the injured skin.
Quick Remedy For A Sore Throat
Sore throats can often be avoided by installing a humidifier at home, which addresses dryness in the atmosphere of the room. However, they may also be caused by irritants in the environment, allergies to pets, pollen from the nearby garden, or dust, among other things.

Everyday Health
To allay the swelling of nose and throat tissues, as a quick home remedy, gargle Listerine mouthwash. Make sure you also drink a sufficient amount of water to avoid dehydration and keep the throat moist. If the symptoms persist, it’s time to see a doctor.
Mollify Toothaches
Toothaches can be caused by many different things. The reasons often trace back to high levels of acidity in your food and drinks, a dental cavity, or a broken tooth that leaves the inner nerves exposed and vulnerable.

The Health Site
If you need a quick remedy for this problem, especially while trying to figure out the cause, swab the area with a Q-tip soaked in Listerine. This will help numb the pain while you wait for your dentist appointment.
Clear Up Acne
Pimples can sometimes discourage people from going out in public. It’s not only a bump on one’s self-esteem, but it can be physically painful too as the body ceaselessly attempts to push the bacteria back out to the skin’s surface where it belongs. This condition can be persistent, and it sometimes feels like it will never heal.

News Medical
Put a stop to this annoying condition by treating the skin with Listerine. Apply it in soft circular motions using a cotton ball. Expect a positive result in a few days.