Laughs Ahead: Hilarious Signs Found Around The World
Some of the funniest jokes out there are perhaps those that aren’t intentionally crafted. Some of these signs become nonsensical or use a strange pairing of words in the English language that immediately cracks us up.
These public signs cause people from all walks of life to chuckle when they least expect it. Innocently, they stand out in the open for all to see, popping out of trees, city sidewalks, gated communities, or on elevator doors, ready to bless the reader with the natural high that absurdity brings. Here are a few of the funniest—enjoy!
Inedible Hanger
The owner of this hotel just wanted to make sure that everyone was clear on the whole “no eating clothes hangers” thing. It’s a fair warning—doing so could have fatal consequences after all. Getting one of those things stuck inside you is one heck of a way to pass on to the great beyond.
It might look like a trendy new body modification but trust us—you’d regret in your 30s—if indeed you managed to live that long. Morellis Cleaners also went all out in letting the public know that their covers are not made of spring roll paper, despite how easy it might be to mix the two items up.
Reverse Psychology
After so many years of attempting to coax the public into veering away from vice while behind the wheel of a vehicle, drunk-driving-related accidents still remain prevalent in society today. We’ve seen our fair share of ad campaigns, but this one might be our favorite.
Go ahead and drink all you want, it seems to say—but be ready to check in at one of these institutions if you do. The only issue we can see with this kind of tactic is if a driver is actually looking for a hospital or morgue—they might take a sharp swerve in the wrong direction and find themselves there anyway.
Stating the Obvious
Travelers to this faraway town were amused (and probably a little bit annoyed) to find this slanted signage that Captain Obvious must have come by and installed. To be fair, this signpost is 100% scientifically accurate with its message. The only question is: why?
It goes without saying that this sign might have been more useful up the path. Where it stands, this sign is about as useful to pedestrians as a chocolate teapot, a concrete parachute, or a glass chisel.
Ascending And Descending Into Madness
In this establishment, technology has taken a temporary reprieve—shoppers are asked to call upon their instincts from a time before the escalator was first invented. They must now climb up and down, huffing and puffing, expending energy that could have been used in other ways.
The building’s administrators have put up a sign that only serves to rub it in. Shoppers, get ready to lift those legs one after the other. At least there’ll be less gawping and staring when people have to exert themselves to make the ascent.
The Irony of the Situation
Following an unfortunate route that leads to this situation, drivers must be cursing at their plight of being stuck in traffic to no end, of having no other way of returning back. What must be even more frustrating is seeing this in the middle of the other lane.
The irony of it all! How could a lane closure actually ease road congestion? Is this some kind of sick experiment in road rage or anger management? How could anyone have gotten an ethical sign-off? No authorities are there to answer for this. Up ahead lies only more mindless driving.
Paradoxical Instruction
This one isn’t for the easily confused. Imagine pulling up to this building and wrapping this sign around your head. It would be easier to literally wrap the sign around your head than understand what you’re being asked to do here.
Is the reader supposed to read between the lines here? Is there some subtle hint at play? Is this a test or some kind of philosophical problem? If so, we don’t have whatever qualification is needed to solve it. The only message we get from this sign is “back up and never turn back.”
Helpful, Thanks
Floods can be devastating events. In less than twenty-four hours, the flood victim’s possessions, shelter—and in many cases, even their financial futures—can be wiped out. Prevention is possible, to a limited extent, but in order to protect your home, some meteorological signposting is required.
Unfortunately, this was not the kind of signposting we had in mind. Maybe someone could grab it and use it as a makeshift paddle after securing some kind of raft. But even then, its awkward shape wouldn’t make it ideal for water traversal. Gosh-darn it, sign!
Cheesy Messaging
This one’s a real throwback. This sign makes reference to Ronald Reagan’s famous 1980s presidential slogan, “Let’s make America great again,” except now, there’s a cheesy twist. Who signed off on this idea? Well, it’s like we always say: “it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than ask parmesan.”
While some might feel that society is on the verge of collapse because some people neither have the time nor inclination to cut their own cheese into tiny strings, we think that having the option available is good for a cheese-loving society.
No Fine Print
This sign was posted as if by a mad deity who rules over all life within their building. Nobody can really tell for sure what this was intended to mean. Were they referring to the paper or the elevator? Perhaps even the elevator shaft?
Perhaps the word “remove” should have been substituted with “open.” Maybe they meant that this elevator door should not be opened under any circumstance to prevent accidents or material damage until further notice. But who knows?
All Roads Lead To Rideau Heritage Route
There are many activities that even large families can do together at the Rideau Heritage Route. Boredom won’t be an issue for people of all ages, with its more than 200-kilometer space composed of historic sites, roads that pass along quaint villages, and recreational spots.
All that and more is waiting for everyone to enjoy and explore, but only if anyone ever gets there—if you’re able to decode the messages on this sign. Its guiding arrows point in every direction, quite possibly towards multiple dead ends or unfinished roads where cars can get stuck in the mud for hours before being rescued. That’s the risk you take!
The Town Of "Soforth"
This part of town must be a bane to all mailmen entrusted with delivering parcels and letters to businesses and residences. We can’t imagine any parcels getting delivered in this town—we bet the postal service itself considers any letter printed with this address to be a joke.
The morale of the people who live here must also be at an all-time low. Imagine defining yourself as a person who comes from a place whose name is so unimportant that it was left unsaid by the speaker. Even the sign couldn’t find the will to write out the full word, “Etcetera.”
Captain Obvious, On The Scene
There must be days when taxpayers can’t help but wonder how much money is wasted on certain projects—unnecessary constructions that reek of under-the-table deals. This might not be the most extravagant waste of public money, but it sure is one of the stupidest.
At a time when the City Council of Sheffield should be helping its citizens in a myriad of other ways, they seem to be interested only in the dryness of the people’s collective butts. Anyone who understands the water cycle should not be surprised that benches get wet after it rains.
Baffling Instruction
There are foundations all over the world created to reach out to those in need—designed to address specific issues, to fill the gap where something might be lacking. Literacy in today’s world is an essential skill, but there are still some people in the world who struggle to grasp it.
Unfortunately, there are many people who struggle with critical thinking. This is a great example of a group of people, or rather a chain of designers, who failed to use their critical thinking—or their literacy prowess—to prevent a rather embarrassing outcome.
Horse Collapse
The owner of this stable must have had a few cops or paramedics arrive on their doorstep more than a few times. As a preventative measure, they must have this incredibly weird sign posted on the chain-link fence around their property.
It’s nice to know that so many people care about animals, but it’s true—horses do like to lie on the grass and roll around occasionally. Then again, if the emergency services were called on so many times that a sign had to be fixed up, they must be some pretty lazy horses.
Identifiers That Nobody Needs
This picture isn’t a screenshot from a low-resolution computer game where a slab of wood on the ground could look like an abandoned missile or something. We love the amusingly inaccurate nature of this sign.
Everybody knows that it’s the grass the arrow is pointing at. How frightening it is to imagine whoever was behind this sign had the urge to identify everything else around them. Their town or city must be overwhelmed with labels.
Not So Secret Anymore
Anyone who was raised in the 80s might come to the conclusion that we’ve become complacent about nuclear weapons and all the devastation they could bring to the human population—even if a single one were fired. Here’s a great example of this laxity in action.
In times of peace, this nuclear bunker became some kind of tourist attraction. In one sense, this is a positive thing—the locals should be better acquainted with its location. We just hope that the water recycling rooms weren’t renovated into a gift shop—if it even had one to begin with.
We Don’t Get The Point
In big, loud letters, this sign broadcasts a warning to all—or at least those who find themselves within reading range: beware, this sign has pointy sides. Thank goodness—without this sign, someone might have gotten themselves hurt!
But then again, without this sign, nobody would have gotten hurt in the first place. But nobody would have become intrigued enough to take a picture, and we wouldn’t have been able to write about it, and you wouldn’t have been able to read it. Urgh, our heads are spinning.
A Friendly Reminder
Trash goes in the trash receptacle—trash being unwanted items. Seems pretty simple, right? Well, apparently, someone was using it as a hat, or perhaps a little house, or possibly a punching bag. We’re not sure.
In any case, this trash receptacle was treated so badly that, based on the maple leaf in the top right, a nice Canadian citizen had to print and post a pretty sign to ensure that its victimizer got the message. Knowing Canada, it probably worked, too.
Lost in Translation
The color orange may not be as cool and pleasant to behold as green or blue, being a bit glary to the eyes when looked at directly, but it’s still one of the easiest hues to identify. While there may be some debate over whether something is orange or yellow, in this case, the color we’re looking at here is pretty clearly orange.
That being said, it might be labeled this way to help colorblind folks deal with electronics. Maybe they just can’t see the colors correctly. What if this wiring is for some kind of weapon? If somehow a colorblind wire-cutting expert arrived on the scene, we’d be grateful for such an explicit label.
If It Happens, It Happens
This sign is redundant as well as redundant. We’d add more, but there’s little else to say other than this sign spells out the obvious, just like we did, again.
We spelled out the obvious—like this sign, which is redundant. See? We can do it too. Still, the world is full of redundancy, so we supposed that it’s not too out of place.
The Lift
This administrator wants all the operations in their building to be harmonious and orderly. Everything must be spelled out and made fool-proof to ensure that all the activities within are consistent and comply with building codes and regulations.
Thanks to this sign, nobody will ever mistake the elevator for a sauna room ever again—or a bathroom—or a broom closet. Actually, the fact that most people would recognize an elevator on sight might slightly hinder its helpfulness. Guess it’s just trying to prevent confusion.
Obedience For Its Own Sake
This sign seems to be a command from above—a divine hint to humanity as to the will of the heavens. Whoever designed this sign must have thought that people are better off when given directions from authority of some—or of any—kind.
Could it be that having to follow orders constantly wears away critical thinking—the ability to think as an individual? Possibly. That being said, we don’t have any problem obeying the sign in this case. The instructions are fairly self-explanatory.
Captain Obvious’ Arch Enemy—Admiral Oxymoron!
After driving for many hours, drowsy motorists might catch themselves performing a double-take after seeing this at the side of the road. This oxymoron might keep drivers up with something humorous to talk about—and might even be as effective as coffee in terms of keeping their attention on the road sharp.
It’s obviously a botched print, or it might be referring to an electronic sign further down the road. In that case—maybe rather than paying for a sign like this, they could call the technical specialists to fix the dang sign instead.
Going Out On A Limb
It goes to show that not everything done out of goodwill has good results. The fitting of this sign on the branch only makes things worse by lowering the walkway’s accessibility. All the same, we can’t accuse whoever did this of not giving the public a fair warning.
That being said, if they really wanted to draw attention, they could have made the sign a little bigger. Putting up a warning like this just defeats the whole purpose of protecting people from accidentally bumping their head. But at least it makes people laugh, hopefully before the bump, not after.
Educational Notice
After driving for many hours without a single break, in part due to the absence of rest stops along the desert, tourists probably wouldn’t know how to express their gratitude for this piece of vital information. How would they have possibly known without it? Sand!
So this is sand. Wow, who knew? This sign makes sure travelers do not mistake the swirling, coarse yellow material around them spread out as far as the eyes can see for something else, like brown sugar perhaps, or aromatic cinnamon.
What’s The Backstory Here?
The existence of this ominous sign must surely make visitors to this fairground uneasy. Who would dare sit on these darts of their own volition?
But if you’re at a fairground, it stands to reason that some people will mistake this deadly fence as a ride of some kind. You can never be too careful these days—for every fun fair or hot drink stand—there’s a legal suit waiting to happen. Some people just need it spelled out for them.
No Way, All Day?
The exponential increase in private vehicle ownership over the years has been giving cities what seems to be unresolvable traffic problems. As a result, some people are now resorting to taking buses, trains, making carpooling arrangements, and so on.
Signs like this make city parking impossible. Does the sign mean to say that if our cars slip into the 25th hour, we’ll be in violation, we’re free to park here any time, or does it mean that we’ll violate the law for not parking here all day, every day?
A Pointless Penalty
Rules are made to be broken. This rule seems to be made for rulebreakers who still aren’t comfortable enough to bend the rules yet. It’s for all the rookie renegades. The punishment here is just as bad as the crime—they are, in fact, one and the same.
By the time the act has been committed, it might be too late to politely give the trespasser their punishment. But on the other hand, the problem this sign attempts to address also seems to be a self-resolving one—we wonder if there’s any kind of punishment for entering through this door?
Semantic Change
We can all assume that a bunch of teenagers crowded around this post to laugh at its message at one time or another. And not without reason—who on earth would want to make indecent advances toward an alligator, with all its claws and jaws—and to what end?
But semantics is a quick reference to how words change over time. Molesting used to mean to “bother” or “annoy,” but its usage has drawn a more lewd meaning over the years. Nevertheless, it is still best to just let the alligators be.
Divine Link Up
When the time finally comes to meet with your creator, what do you imagine you’ll see? Pearly gates, a bright light, clouds? Do you imagine being greeted by a choir of angels or the big G themselves? Apparently, this church has taken to using less orthodox tactics of contacting the divine.
It almost reads like some kind of a coded text message. Did they think Jesus was going to see this and just show up? And in a parking lot, of all places? It would probably take a miracle, but then again—that’s what he’s most known for, we suppose.
Hilarious Pun
Some business establishments out there go the extra mile to put a smile on their customers’ faces. It doesn’t have to be by way of a price discount, freebie, or giveaway. Here’s an example of a business that does it by sharing jokes outside their office.
It’s actually a great idea, considering how many of us must be distressed with so many things to worry about—bills, relationships, quotas—this sign is a reminder for everyone to take it easy, breathe, and laugh with a little childhood innocence.
A Risky Climb
You might say that everything is a risk, which partially justifies this sign’s ambiguity regarding the ladder’s safety. You might climb up and reach the top without issue, but anything can happen while you’re up there—a cat might drop by and decide to paw the ladder over. A bird might land on your face. A lizard might spook you off your ledge.
Philosophical issues aside, we think that there are probably ways to make the sign’s message much clearer—if not less threatening. But its makers don’t care if they’ve messed up—no wonder the world is full of misunderstanding.
This Needs to Be Reworded
If you’re a dog walker, you might be familiar with the duties of picking up after your precious pet (or at least we hope so). It just isn’t nice setting foot outside your house and finding a smear under your shoe. Signs like these are relatively common in places where dog ownership is prevalent.
The wording on this sign however could use some work. We weren’t aware humans had the option of “emptying” their pets on command, but we’ll just assume it means to not leave their droppings in this general area.
Stay To The Left
At first glance this sign doesn’t seem that odd, but take a second look and let your brain process what it is seeing. Bikes to the left and cars to the right. Now this wouldn’t be such a big deal but the fact the cars are supposed to be “driving” in a massive bed of water seems a little off.
Maybe this sign is out there trying to get people to save the environment by ditching their cars (literally, like just toss them into the water) and have them start biking around. We’re all about saving Mother Nature but this sign may be a tad extreme.
Well, That's Ironic
We’ve all been there, it’s late at night and you’re driving home from somewhere trying to convince yourself there is nothing terrifying about being the only car on a woodsy, windy backroad. Then all of the sudden you have to slam on your brakes to stop from slamming into a deer who’s just chilling in the middle of the road staring at you.
Maybe that is why we find this sign so funny. Well more the situation rather than the sign. Here we have a people crossing sign and a deer who seems very un-bothered about the havor he is about to cause.
It All Makes Sense
Anyone who ends up driving through this town that is not originally from there is probably a little confused as to why their cow crossing signs have white tape down the middle. They probably chalk it up to an innocent teen prank or a mishap with the sign.
The second the sign is more than likely out of their mind is usually the same second they drive by the cow pasture and it all makes sense. The cow pastures in this little town are full of all black cows who instead of the typically back and white coats are all black with one white strip right down the middle. So in hindsight the cow crossing sign wasn’t vandalized, it was just customized.
Seems Legit
Masks, gloves, and “stabbing” anyone who gets closer than 6 feet to you. That sounds like the makings of a horror movie rather than a sports advertisement doesn’t it? Well La Jolla Fencing Academy, based out of Southern California saw their opportunity to promote themselves and ran with it like the true fencemen they are.
Covid has been a very difficult time for everyone mentally and physically and this sign is a nice reminder that there are still things you can participate in safely and it’s still ok to have a laugh.
Hours? Never Heard of Them
The best part of running and owning your own store? You get to set your work hours to anything you want them to be. Had a long night? “Open when I wake up”, ready to clock out early? “Close when I must go to sleep”.
Decided work is just not in the cards for you today? “When I’ve had enough the store is closed”. Now if only we could get the whole workforce to come together and agree these were suitable reasons to base our work hours on we would all be golden, not to mention well rested.
Seriously, Just Wash Your Hands
We’ve come across our fair share of bathroom signs on this journey and this one has to take the cake as one of our favorites. This sign doesn’t care who you are- man, woman, alien, or spartan, all they want is you to wash your hands.
We are living in a time where washing your hands is a must (even though it always should be). So we have to appreciate the sign and it’s funny take on encouraging people to wash their hands.
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Clothes?
Whether or not you wear a mask outdoors is your own decision, but when a store owner asks you to please wear a mask inside their business most people would use common courtesy and put a mask on. Now it may come as no surprise that this is not exactly how it always goes.
We love that this funny sign takes comical approach to bringing up their request that patrons dawn a mask while inside. To be fair they do give shoppers the option to not wear a mask, but the repercussions of not wearing a mask mean you’re going to be heading in, in nothing other than your birthday suit.
I Wonder How Many Pockets He Has?
Taxi drivers are a tough breed. They are used to working long hours, have to deal with impolite customers, and often face the risk of being robbed by people looking for a “quick buck”. Because of this risk when entering a taxi cab more often than not you will see a sign stating “this driver does not carry cash” or something similar in nature.
This taxi driver however, took to creating his own sign stating the things he does have on himself in the hopes of deterring a possible crime. The hysterical, albeit detailed list this driver composed has us laughing at his dark sense of humor. We for one would love to see the 3 photos of his pet ferret, Daniel.
Please Park Outside
Assuming everyone in this little mishap is ok we must admit Arby’s has got jokes. It looks as if one of their customers was a little too excited to get their classic roast-beef sandwich with a side of horsey and Arby’s sauce and drove right into the dining room.
Arby’s decided to let their customers know that despite this mishap they were still open- car in the building and all- and to please park outside. We hope the customer who drove into the building at least got their sandwich.
Like and Share
Everyone’s gotten them at one point or another. Those chain emails or messages that say you must like and repost “if you don’t want something bad to happen”, or “want to win a million dollars”. Let’s be clear, we think 99.9% of people do not like and share.
For that 1% though, what do you think they are going to do when they see this post in the middle of nowhere? Are they going to take a picture to like and share the post out of impulse that will then make it to the rest of the 1%ers who will in turn like and share the post? We foresee a vicious cycle that has no limits in our near future.
Where Does The Cat Come Into Play?
There’s a lot to take in with this sign. Let’s attempt to break it down. So the gist is it’s got to be about a changing table- or at least we think it does. This is where it starts to get a little confusing…
It looks as if the Mom is placing her baby into the changing table and closing it- which for obvious safety reasons we would never recommend- and the baby is then somehow, magically transported into a baby swing, the Mom takes off, and then a cat comes out of the changing table.
Gotta Respect The Sign
One of the highlights of retirement is getting to do whatever you want, whenever you want. These gentlemen must frequent Jack’s pretty often throughout the week in their spare time, especially if Jack’s gave them their own table complete with a sign.
What we would like to know is who named the table? Do you think Jack’s just set this out one day to reserve the table for these frequent flyers, or do you think these guys let Jack’s know that they planned on spending a lot of time in their dining room so it would be best to save a table just for them. Either way we think it’s a cute idea and everyone seems happy.
They Have A Point
Green Cross Vet knows what’s up. We get it, as pet owners it can sometimes be difficult to remember to make sure your furry little babies stay up to date on their shots. But this vet is here to remind you that it is important.
To be fair they have a valid argument. We are pretty sure that back in the day Dinosaurs were not strolling on into a vet to stay up to date on their shots, and they definitely were not scheduling a follow-up appointment. This is just their silly, friendly way to remind you to keep your pets safe!
Dun-ah...dun-ah...dun-ah dun-ah dun-ah dun-ah
Walking into a public restroom we can guarantee we’ve all come across the bright yellow signs warning us of a “wet floor”. We honestly didn’t think there would be a more creative way to warn bathroom goers of this potential soggy-sneaker mishap, but we were wrong.
This sign takes the cake for creativity and we love it. We also love how it’s giving a slight nod to the fact that bathroom floors are basically always a wet mess and that sharks are forever present, just lurking below the surface.
Social Distancing
Covid-19 made most restaurants and other places require a lower capacity in their establishments to help make social distancing possible. They had to limit the amount of people let inside at a time. The rules apply for every place. No exceptions!
This means that even if you’re going somewhere to cry you have to wait your turn. Only one person is allowed to cry at a time, so hold in those tears until you’re up next.
Your Move
This is one clever way to make sure that mystery person in the office stops stealing your food. And writing a note specifically to the so-called lunch thief is an even more clever way to show them who’s boss.
Whether they really added laxatives to the food or not, we’re pretty sure this stopped the thief dead in their tracks. That’s not a gamble we would take. The thief had to have the last word, though. He wrote “thief hater” on the sign.
Confidence Boost
This sign is here to give everyone a little boost of confidence before they go about their day. This piece of advice is great for anyone who needs a little pick-me-up. Embrace the day with the confidence of a kid in a Batman shirt.
It is so true. Those kids are fearless and know nothing of failure. If you haven’t noticed these kids zipping around thinking they have the strength of Batman on their side, we’re sure you’ll notice them now! Take a page out of their book and seize the day with confidence.
Beware the Bridge
This is one way to prevent someone from running into the bridge. We have to assume this sign had to be put in because more than one person underestimated the height of their vehicle and ran directly into it.
While it definitely isn’t going to save their car from damage, it will save the bridge from it. Simply having the height dimensions of the bridge apparently was not enough.
No We Won’t
We’re not exactly sure what the purpose of this sign was but the response is just too good. This is truly the perfect response to a sign like this. Responding with stubbornness is truly the only right response to a statement like this one.
We hope being stubborn won’t be their downfall. But at least they have quite a good sense of humor so we can all enjoy it. Unless they weren’t being facetious in which case we’re really worried!
No Trespassing… Or Else
We’ve seen lots of clever “no trespassing” signs but this one might just be our all-time favorite. Don’t let the pink color throw you off from the dark sentiment they’re sharing here.
If the notion that they are killing trespassers doesn’t stop you from going on their property, we don’t know what will. Of course, they must be joking. But what if they aren’t. It’s not worth the risk.
Do Not Lie Horizontally
Reading this sign makes us feel like it was written by a student who is trying to reach a specific word count on a college essay. There are so many words to describe a really simple sentence. It should simply read, “Do not lie on the park bench”.
And that should be the end of it. But they got really specific. Do not lie here. And definitely do not be in a horizontal position on the park bench. Also, do not sleep in the bushes. Whatever you do, make absolutely sure you do not remain in the bushes, shrubs, or foliage. What is the difference between bushes and shrubs?
Do Not Read
If you’re reading this sign, you’ve already failed in following the directions. This is the kind of sign that makes us feel like we’re being set up to fail.
I can’t say that I’ve ever actually seen a private sign. I do wonder, what is the point of a sign if not to be read? This has to be someone messing with us. But chances are we all read the sign more than once. Oops!
Water When Raining
Some things are just simple common sense. I hope that we can all agree that one of those things is that rain is wet because it is water. Most of us don’t need a sign to tell us things like that. But apparently someone felt drivers needed to be reminded.
Water will in fact be on the road when it is raining. Perhaps they meant to say “be careful of slippery roads after rain”. Sometimes, the sign might just not be necessary. But beware of water when it rains!
No Bears Allowed
The Comfort Inn came up with a clever sign to share that they are pet friendly. We love that they are trying to be inclusive of all animals, but we understand that they have to draw the line somewhere.
No one wants to wake up to a bear next to them in their hotel room. So sorry bears, but you’ll have to find other accommodations to eat and sleep. Maybe the Marriott down the road is more inclusive!
Do not Leave Children Unattended
This is a really great way to make sure that parents keep a close eye on their kids. Offering unattended children espresso and a free puppy is probably any parent’s nightmare. No toddler needs extra energy.
And most parents don’t have enough energy to care for a puppy on top of all their other parent duties. Better to be safe than sorry and just keep the kids close by. Although I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a shot of espresso for themselves.
Reindeer Crossing
You’ve seen moose crossing signs, horse crossing signs, and deer crossing signs. On a rare occasion you might have even seen duck crossing signs. And we’re definitely sure that you’ve seen pedestrian crossing signs.
But have you ever seen a reindeer crossing sign? At least we think that’s what we’re seeing here. This sign must be located in the North Pole or else we’re not sure why reindeer would be wandering around. If they are, though, you certainly wouldn’t want to be the one to hit Rudolph so drive safe!
An Impossible Request
Now we have to assume this sign is a mistake. We can’t really think of what they were trying to say so the sign isn’t doing a great job at hazarding anyone. I guess we could try to walk without walking.
But we are fairly certain we are just being set up to fail here. I can’t think of where or how this sign might be useful. I’d like to see the person that can successfully fulfill this request. I’d be very impressed!
Really Low Flying
It’s good to be aware of low flying planes. You don’t want your head to be knocked by a giant aircraft so it’s good that this sign is here to caution people. However, it looks like it might have been injured itself.
The top of the sign is flopped over and we can only assume that it was bent by one of these low flying aircrafts that the sign is warning us about. Oops.
Welcome to Our Ool-
This is one clever way to ask people not to pee in the pool. Let’s keep the “P” out of the “ool”. I mean come on people. We have bathrooms for a reason!
It feels like we shouldn’t have to have signs that are asking people not to pee in the pool, but here we are. One thing we have learned about signs is that if they exist, they exist for a reason.