Jimmy Fallon Wants to Know #WhyI’mSingle

By: Lauren Wurth | Published: Dec 12, 2022

Jimmy Fallon and The Tonight Show posted an intriguing question on Twitter: “Why are you single?” using the hashtag #WhyI’mSingle. 

The responses ranged from funny to worrying to sad. Whatever your reaction, you can get a feel for the difficulty of dating these days. 

Hold My Hand?

 Regardless of the number of times you’ve gone on a date or approached someone intriguing, each first encounter can have awkward moments. You don’t know much about this person, so you’re essentially wandering into the unknown. And it can have its embarrassments.    




Kudos to this girl who took the initiative and approached a cute guy. What could have turned out to be a romantic moment, with the two locking eyes, etc., didn’t go that way. She was first touched by his gesture, then highly embarrassed when she realized her mistake. She knew she couldn’t come back from that moment. 


Too Soon?

Let’s give this man ten points for enthusiasm. You see, at the end of each date, he blurts out, “I Love You!” to the woman. Imagine the woman’s reaction upon hearing this – what does one say? “Oh, you’re so cute,” or “Um…what did you say?” or “I gotta go home now”? This man needs to learn some self-control.   


He might have a bubbly,  open personality and doesn’t mean what he’s yelling out, but he just wants to convey that he had a good time. However, it’s too late once the words have escaped. So, unless the woman is amused, there won’t be date #2.

Learn to Listen

In a new relationship, even on a first date, couples need to listen, or they’ll never get to know the other person. So even if one person is droning on about an unhappy childhood or a tedious job, the other must pay attention. That’s how you learn who this other person is.  




We think this woman might do better without a partner since, clearly, she is not into listening to someone else’s concerns. More likely, she just has yet to find a partner who’s interesting enough. Maybe when she does, she won’t feel like listening is a chore but a joy.

Love Me, Love My Cats

We need to be honest when entering into a relationship. Don’t hold back your own quirks and weird habits; they will eventually be revealed, so better sooner than later. Most of our quirks might seem tame to the other person, but either way, we have to open up in order to enter into an open, honest relationship. 


Ok, this can either be a wacky pastime or a cute one. Once revealed, it’s a chance to gauge the other person’s reaction. Is he disgusted? Is he tearing up at the cuteness? You’ll never know unless you tell all.  

Your You’re Great

If you’re a stickler for grammar, you completely understand the sentiment below. Having a relationship with someone who makes grammar errors can be highly irritating. This addition to correct grammar is a personality quirk that you should reveal as soon as possible. We don’t want to see you spending years grimacing at your partner’s grammar mistakes.

On the other hand, if your partner compliments you, maybe it’s not such a good idea to correct the grammar immediately. At least say thank you first.  


Getting Mom’s Approval

Say you’re waiting at the bar for your blind date. A cute guy walks in with an older woman, and you think, “Well, that’s not him.”  But it is him. And he’s brought his Mom on the date.  




Bringing Mom along is a surefire way to end a relationship within the first five minutes. Be polite, chat with the Mom, and hopefully, if she approves, she’ll go home. Or she may stay UNTIL she approves—so many possibilities in this scenario. Either way, guys, please leave Mom home. Then, if things get more serious, there’s plenty of time for your date to meet the parents.


How Did Those Words Come Out of My Mouth?

In our opinion, the problems with this conversation go both ways. The woman was being complimentary, but maybe her statement was over the top if you’re not even on a date but at the flirting stage.  


On the other hand, the guy’s response also made the situation awkward – how DOES one respond to that? Either way, we’re guessing this little interaction didn’t go too far. Sometimes our words rush out while our brain thinks, “Hold on! Think about this!”  


That Wasn’t Funny

Most people test out a new date’s sense of humor pretty quickly. If humor is essential to you, you need someone who will get and appreciate your jokes. But tread carefully – not all senses of humor are the same. 



We hope an apology quickly followed this misstep, but it may have been too late. Some conversations are perfect opportunities for you to show your sensitive side. This was one of them, sir! And you totally ruined it with a joke. Early in a relationship, we do not joke about dead relatives; keep that in mind.


It’s a Lose, Lose Situation

This is one of those situations where you just can’t seem to win. He offers to pay for the dinner and he’s “unwoke”. But it seems like he was just trying to be a gentleman! He offers to split it instead so he is then not chivalrous.

So what other option is left than to let her pay for the dinner herself? Apparently that wasn’t good enough either. I’m glad he made it out alive because it sounds like that is the kind of person that you probably don’t want a second date with.


Holding Out for Chris Evans

I’m not sure how much luck you’ll have in your dating life if you’re waiting on Chris Evans to come and sweep you off your feet. But we all have a celebrity crush that we would hold out for and a girl can dream!

We love that she is asking Jimmy Fallon for help to put her in touch with Chris Evans. Maybe the talk show host can make her dreams come true. But until Captain America comes and sweeps her off her feet, she is apparently decidedly single.


Student Becomes the Teacher

One of the best parts about dating someone is the new things that they can teach you. But it looks like this man’s ego couldn’t quite handle his girlfriend’s skill once she got better than him at his favorite game.

There comes a time when the student passes the teacher. It seems a little dramatic to move out over World of Warcraft, but she probably dodged a bullet. It’s better to be single than in a relationship with someone who doesn’t want to see you succeed, even in video games.


The Key to Meeting People

It’s healthy to like your alone time and enjoy the time you spend at home. After all, it is your curated space and it is comfortable to you. But to meet people, you do actually have to venture outside of your comfort zone.

Meaning, you have to leave the house. So, it comes as no surprise that you are single if you prefer being at home alone than out meeting people. How does the saying go? Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. Cheesy, but true.


Why is Granny Single?

This person decided to submit on behalf of their grandma. Why is her 95 year old grandmother single? Simply because she likes older men, and at that age, there aren’t many people older than you!


She’s either going to have to change her type or submit to the single life because the dating pool is small if you’re only looking for 95+ year old men! But I have to respect a woman who knows what she likes.


A Horse With a Mouthful of Starbursts

Honesty is (usually) the best policy but there is certainly such a thing as going too far. This poor person went on a date just to be completely roasted! Telling someone they smell like cheese is bad enough.


But to tell someone that they chew like a horse with Starburst candies in their mouth is way too specific and blunt to be taken any other way but with offense. This person might have the right idea staying single if dating means taking insults all day long.


Taking the Pandemic to Heart

One of the many rules that we acclimated to during the pandemic was social distancing. This mid-pandemic sign perfectly encapsulates why this person remains single. They don’t let anyone help them or get close to them.


Typically, it is pretty difficult to form a relationship when you don’t have people close to you. But, maybe that’s just the way they like it. For some of us, social distancing is a way of life now!


Dogs Don’t Complain

Dogs are man’s best friend and I can’t blame anyone for wanting to spend more time with furry friends and less time with people. That’s the kind of unconditional love that is awfully hard to come by!

It’s fair enough that this person would rather hang out with their dogs. One thing you can always count on is a wagging tail and a smile when you get home. And, sometimes that’s really all you need.


Good Intentions

This person is clearly well-intentioned but we can see how this kind of behavior has left them without a significant other. I don’t fault this person for preferring their food to be separated on their plate.


But touching someone else’s food is super weird if you don’t know them all that well. I can definitely see how this would not be well received. In the future, I might recommend waiting a while before touching your date’s food, or maybe avoiding it all together.


Going a Little Too Far

We have to appreciate a protective dad, but an overprotective dad can take it way too far. This is one such instance. Any boyfriend will be naturally nervous to meet the father of the woman he’s seeing.


But most men don’t have to worry about the father pretending to rob him as a test! We have to wonder if this girl is now single because the guy ran away or if she’s single because he didn’t protect her so she dumped him.


Flattering, But Creepy

Telling a girl that she looks beautiful is a great way to pay her a compliment, but the second part of this turned creepy real fast. I’ll give this person the benefit of the doubt. They probably were intimidated by the beautiful girl so they accidentally said something really weird.

Flattering, But Creepy

“I’ve been watching you” sounds more like something out of a Scream movie and less like something you’d like to hear from your date. Like the Scream killer, this person wound up single.


Sounds Like a Fun Date

Something you don’t want to be thinking about on a date is the lack of sanitation at the restaurant you’re at. It sounds like this person needs to learn to leave work at home. It would make it hard to enjoy a meal with someone pointing out everything that is a health code violation in the place.


Maybe this person would have more success if he dated other health inspectors so they can point out violations all day long without freaking each other out. Or, just leave the work at the office and keep the comments to yourself.


Don’t Sit in the Cat’s Seat

The joke about “crazy cat people” is usually an exaggeration, but in this case it might be absolutely true. Having cats is one thing, but if you have a date over it seems like the cat can find another place to sit.


Also, whispering to yourself is almost always creepy. So I can’t say I’m all that surprised that this date didn’t turn into a budding romance. At least she still has her cats!


Sharing is (Not) Caring

It can be hard to share your space when you’re used to doing things your own way. But relationships are about compromise, and that means giving someone some room on the bed even if you’re used to taking up the whole thing.


Perhaps this person needs to find someone that sleeps on the very edge of the bed so that they are still able to sleep like a starfish. But it sounds like they’re happy just doing their thing alone.


Word Vomit

When you have a crush on someone it is easy to stumble on your words and get embarrassed. You don’t want to say the wrong thing or have any awkward moments, but these things are inevitable.


This guy had the right idea holding the door open for his crush. But telling her it is “her problem” when she says thank you might have thrown off any possibility of recovery. You win some. You lose some.


Pick and Choose Your Battles

Shaving is a time consuming and monotonous task that no one likes doing! So I can’t fault this young lady for picking and choosing her battles. In fact, this might be a huge time saving hack for any other ladies who love their ripped jeans.

I’m not sure if this is a reason for her being single as much as it is a hack for shaving if you’re in a time crunch. I can’t help but wonder why she wouldn’t just wear jeans without holes in them so she can avoid shaving all together.


Fool Me One Time

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It appears this person didn’t learn their lesson the first time, or rather, they weren’t bothered by the outcome. Mini muffins are delicious!


Eating dog treats might be something that would be hard to look past from a partner’s point of view. I guess she’ll have to keep this one under wraps until she really knows a person because we could see this scaring off potential suitors.


Saying “I Love You” to the Waiter

A major turn off for a lot of people is when someone is rude to a waiter. It says a lot about who they are, but I don’t think I’ve heard of someone being too nice to a waiter. Telling the person serving you food that you love them is a bit much.


Obviously, this person got flustered and didn’t mean to confess their undying love to the restaurant staff. But if they did, I can definitely see how that might make their date feel a little jealous.


Keep the Snacks Close

Keeping snacks close at hand is smart. You never know when hunger might strike. But your pockets don’t seem like the best place to store them. Not only is it seemingly very unhygienic, but you’re bound to crush them when you move around or sit down.


But this man was not fazed by these possibilities. It looks like he was caught red handed with a handful of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. He just wanted an innocent appetizer but it would be pretty odd to discover your date doing this. We see why he’s using this hashtag.


Lindsey Vonn Has a One Track Mind

It’s hard to date when you have a one track mind. This is especially true if your mind is dead set on competing in the Olympics. Lindsey Vonn is an alpine ski racer on the U.S. Ski Team so she isn’t really single for the typical reasons the rest of us are.

Her time is spent on the slopes perfecting her skills rather than out on awkward first dates. We can’t blame her. And it looks like she’s looking for a pep talk from Jimmy Fallon (on competing, not dating of course).


Aaaaand Action!

If you don’t have a date to bring to the movies, I don’t know if action figures are the next best thing. Imagine going to sit down in the theater and realizing there is an action figure sized Hulk or Batman in your seat.


Bringing toys to the theater might have been the norm when we were kids, but now it’s just a little weird. But obviously she’s self aware and that’s exactly the reason she’s using the #WhyI’mSingle.


Fictional Men

It’s one thing to have a crush on someone who doesn’t like you back but it’s a whole other thing to have a crush on someone who doesn’t exist. I guess the men in real life cannot compare to those in romance books.

It’s easier to have a crush on someone fictional. Less messy! But that’s also the reason this woman remains single. You can’t date books.


It's Brittany

Calling someone by the wrong name is rough. Calling your boyfriend or girlfriend by the name of your ex is even worse. But “New Brittany” is definitely a new low. Obviously, they didn’t mean to hurt her feelings.

But how would you feel if your boyfriend or girlfriend called you the “new name” because they needed to distinguish between you and your ex. It sounds like they might not be over “Old Brittany” yet.


Doritos Are Too Sharp

There are tons of people out there with interesting eating habits. I’ve heard of not eating the crust on pizza or not liking your food to touch, but this is definitely a unique habit.


I fail to see how biting the coroners of Doritos will save you from the “sharpness” of the chips. It seems like if you think chips are too sharp you might want to indulge in a different kind of snack. Don’t eat Doritos and you might find yourself a love interest!
