Give Me a Brake! The Most Creative (And Passive-Aggressive) Windshield Notes Around

By: Lauren Wurth | Published: Sep 05, 2023

Let’s face it – some drivers are just plain terrible when it comes to parking their vehicles. But don’t lose your cool just yet! We’ve got some ideas for clever and creative ways you can give that bad parking offender a piece of your mind.

From leaving passive-aggressive notes to creating funny art pieces on the ground, there are plenty of chuckle-worthy ways you can make your point and reclaim your driveway. So don’t let those inconsiderate folks win – get inspired and have fun with it!

Parking Like a Pro

When it comes to parking between the lines, some people just can’t seem to get it right. Take this fellow, for example. He’d been driving around like an amateur for years. After giving him a few choice words of ‘sarcastic encouragement’ – his friends managed to help him break out of his bad habits, and soon enough he was performing perfect parallel parks!



So if you know someone who needs a good wake-up call when it comes to their parking prowess, be sure not to forget about the power of sarcasm – it might be just what they need!

It's Time To Face the Music: When Someone Parks Like a Total Flop!

This poor dude had a habit of parking like he had been hit with a total brain-freeze. Over and over again, his car sat there, haphazardly wedged between two parking spots. Everyone around was fed up and desperate for an answer to this problem. 



And then—aha!—some clever souls decided it was time for him to face the music. They filled his car with balloons and gave him an award for the worst parking job ever. He must’ve got their hint loud and clear: no more bad parking! 

Stevie Wonder as a Parking Lesson Inspiration!

People often say that Stevie Wonder’s disability has made him an even greater musician than he could have been otherwise. But what they should also mention is that his disability can teach us a few important lessons! 


Source: Bad Parking Hull/ Facebook

This was the case when one man saw a particularly terrible parking job and immediately thought of the famous singer, saying the driver must have taken lessons from “the wrong Steve”. In no way was this intended to be offensive toward blind people. Rather, it simply served as an example of how bad parking can be! 

Don't You Dare Park in a Handicap Zone! 

Parallel parking is hard enough without having to worry about other drivers taking designated handicap spots. One driver was so desperate to park, they didn’t even bother looking at the sign. Little did they know that their actions weren’t going unnoticed.



An eagle-eyed passerby took note of what had happened and informed authorities about the violation immediately. This serves as a reminder to all drivers out there: no matter how much of a hurry you’re in, never – ever – think about pulling into one of these specially designated spots!

A Parking Poem Gone Wrong 

When roses are red, violets should be blue, but we can’t help thinking this story needs a different ending for you. He thought he’d start with a poem to make the calm before the storm more gentle, but this guy’s parking skills were so bad that our dear poet just couldn’t rhyme!

Source: KermitTheSnail/ Reddit

We can’t deny that starting with a classic poem was at least a nice touch. We only wish it had ended better for our poor anonymous friend! So let’s get creative and rewrite this lymeric with something much more fun.


Why Did the Doggie Look Sad?

Picture a typical day: you reach your car, ready to get in and drive away. It’s an ordinary day, but moments before you can unlock the door, something unexpected catches your eye – a cute doggie is looking at you. You smile at first, until you read its message and realize that it actually isn’t too happy with you. 


Well, we have to give them kudos for the drawing – it was certainly creative! After all, notes with pictures tell stories much better than any mean words scribbled on paper ever could. So why did this doggie feel so hurt?


The Potato Clan's Revenge!

The potato clan was out for vengeance when they saw their beloved overlord’s parking spot taken by a stranger. With a few potatoes, some paint and a lot of effort, this veggie artwork was born! 


A testament to the power of potatoes, the artistic display reminded all those who passed it by that these vegetable warriors are not to be messed with. Though it may appear like an ordinary parking spot filled with potatoes now, it is really a masterpiece crafted by the ‘tater gang and serves as warning against future trespassers. 


An Unconventional Honesty

What if I told you that, illegal actions can be forgiven? That’s just what happened with this guy who decided to help himself to some gasoline from someone’s parked car. Surprisingly- he was considerate enough to leave money and an explanation for his actions! 


This simple act had us thinking: does it really matter whether something is legal or not if it comes from a place of genuine kindness? When someone chooses to take responsibility for their behavior and make up for their errors – no matter how unconventional they may seem – we should all give them some credit, right? 


Calling All Car Owners: Maybe Don't Park Here!

Let’s give a shoutout to Carly Rae Jepsen! This person is clearly a fan of the talented singer, taking inspiration from her hit song and using it to let a car owner know that what they’re doing parking-wise isn’t appreciated in this part of town. 


We can only imagine the excitement the recipient had upon seeing this note before reading its snappy conclusion – basically, shape up or ship out! So car owners, take heed – if you find yourself in this neck of the woods, please try to park like a normal person. 


Is Your Bad Parking Finally Going to Get You a Note? 

Ah ha! Somebody’s been parking like they own the whole darn street! But, watch out roadhog, your bad parking habits and reckless disregard for others’ spaces might just earn you a note. 

Source: funny/ Reddit

Yep, one little note with an oh-so-snappy conclusion could be the final wakeup call that gets you to start parking normally. Don’t worry though — if you’ve been playing fast and loose with other people’s space it doesn’t mean you’re done; there might still be time for a turnaround! 


Beware, Spot Stealer! 

They say laughter is the best cure for aching hearts, and that certainly holds true for this particular case. Someone’s parking spot was stolen and they weren’t very pleased about it – understandably so! Determined to send a message to the thief, instead of cursing them out in anger, they decided to have some fun with it.

Source: Tumblr

With a quick Google search well underway, this person found exactly what they needed to express themselves. A few funny yet powerful words were just enough to give the spot stealer a heads up: “You have been warned so don’t do it again!”


Orange You Glad You Didn't Get That Paint Job?

If you’ve ever wanted to stand out from the crowd with a bright, neon-colored car, you better think twice! This poor soul thought that painting their car an eye-catching orange hue would bring them some admiration… oh so wrong! 


From the looks of it, this neighborhood really isn’t a fan of a statement like that. Everyone seemed to gang up on this person – heckling them for their taste in color .So if we’ve learnt anything here, it’s that when it comes to cars and paint jobs – sometimes less is more.


Mastering the Art of Parking

Can’t park? Don’t fear – this detailed note is here! Everyone knows that one person who can never seem to back into a parking space without taking up two spots. Fear not weary driver, we have the perfect solution – a really detailed note that will show them exactly how to squeeze their car in properly. 


As this picture shows, whoever wrote the note was definitely an expert in precise instructions for parking success. So don’t stress about your parking woes any longer; just grab yourself a nice, precise instruction sheet and you’ll master the art of parking with ease!


One Driver's Brush with a Batman-Style Checklist!

When it comes to responsible driving, some may need an extra nudge. Take the example of this gent, informed that he should be more cautious driving around residential areas. But he was gifted with more than just advice.They also provided an awesome checklist.

Source: Tumblr

We can only imagine what could have been going through his mind when he realized it was time to stop driving like he owned his own bat-mobile! This genius idea is probably used on people all the time, and we hope that this kind gesture made for more considerate roads.


People Before Parking

Being a considerate driver is more than just being aware of your own vehicle’s size and parking in a way that allows everyone to share the road. Just take the case of this poor car owner who was stuck in after someone else parked like a total newbie. 

Source: Pinterest

This resulted in quite the colorful note saying,”Park like an adult not an idiot” with some very creative use of profanity. As unpleasant as other people’s mistakes can be, remember to always think twice and try seeing things from their perspective too; we all make mistakes now and then.


Oops! He Did It Again 

The other day, this guy accidentally rammed into an already beaten up car. While one may think that this fellow should be held accountable for the damage caused, it turns out that his excuse was good enough to get him off the hook.


People around him suggested  he should tell the owner of the car that their ride wasn’t exactly in great shape before getting crashed into – thus not making sense to pay for further damages. So take note, if you find yourself in such a situation, don’t forget your creative excuses and how sorry you are!


Escaping Justice with a Soft Warning 

A sigh of relief escaped this guy’s lips as he just recently resigned from a job he hated. Driving around town, vision blurred slightly by his inner joy, he noticed someone had parked like a total neanderthal. His natural inclination was to unleash an angry tirade, but instead happiness kept him in line and a soft warning resulted. 

Source: Tumblr

It seemed that whoever committed this parking faux pas was lucky enough to escape justice at least for once! So remember – be careful when it comes to parking… you never know who could be watching!


Taking Bad Parking to the Next Level

It’s not just an annoyance anymore, it’s a full-blown epidemic in some neighborhoods. So what do you do when it comes to bad parking? Well one resident had a creative idea and decided to take matters into his own hands! 


He got some professional looking cards printed up and started distributing them for those who simply can’t park like decent human beings. No more warnings- this creative solution is sure to make drivers become more aware of their terrible parking skills. From now on, no more excuses for bad parking!


Getting Rid of That Dreadful Car Smell: A Driver's Tale 

This one is for all the unfortunate car owners like our protagonist, smelly car! What on Earth have you been eating lately? This poor driver had no option but to take his stinky vehicle to the mechanic as soon as he could. 

Source: LabRodent/ Reddit

He could purchase a new car instead; at least then he wouldn’t have to worry about everybody suffering from those fumes. We hope our hero was able to get this problem sorted; not just because it would be great news for everyone, but also because it would be safer too!


A Clever Reminder To Stop Taking What Isn't Yours! 

It’s no secret that some people have a habit of taking what doesn’t belong to them. But one creative person employed a Simpsons meme to get the message across.This clever note was meant to give someone a much-needed reminder not to take what doesn’t belong to them.


Kudos to this guy for coming up with such an inventive way of getting his message across! Maybe he should explore pursuing a career in animation. His picture is worth a thousand words – who knows just how far his creativity can take him!


Don't Be Like This Guy

It’s happened to the best of us. We’re in a hurry, parked the wrong way, and gave ourselves a pat on the back for a forgivable mistake. But one person took it too far…for an entire month! 

Source: Pinterest

He must have been living under a rock not to realize he’d be called out for such disregard for law and order-we’re thankful his car wasn’t towed away over this fiasco! So don’t follow in this man’s footsteps; be wise with your parking space and you won’t become ‘the most hated person’ on your street!


Christmas Came Early for One Unlucky Driver! 

This unlucky driver made a big mistake – parking their truck in a spot meant for a much smaller vehicle. Santa saw and wasn’t too happy, leaving a note to remind them that if they can’t fit their sleigh there, they had no business trying to!

Source: Tumblr

We can only hope that this reckless guy got the message loud and clear. Otherwise, there may not be any presents under the tree this Christmas! So here’s a warning to everyone – don’t try to outsmart Santa unless you’re ready to face the consequences!


Trolled by a Stranger Just for Parking Poorly!

Have you ever been so bad at parking that it warranted a stranger trolling you and your car? Well, that’s what happened to one unlucky driver who found a note tucked underneath the windshield wipers. At first, they must have thought they were in trouble with the law!

Source: Pinterest

On closer inspection though, they were relieved to discover that instead of being fined, someone had left behind an amusing message. From afar, this paper might have given them quite a shock! But was the lesson learned here loud and clear enough for them?
