Christian Mom Vows to Not Wear Leggings Because They Encourage “Lustful Thoughts” From Men

By: Carissa Moore | Last updated: Aug 21, 2023

A Christian wife and mother named Veronica Partridge went viral after penning an essay outlining her decision to stop wearing leggings.

Wearing leggings “creates a stronger attraction for a man to look at a woman’s body,” she wrote, while ultimately opting to ditch her leggings in order to prevent men from having “lustful thoughts” about her. The controversial piece, which was first shared in 2015, recently resurfaced and caused quite a stir amongst readers.

She Felt Like Other Men Were Objectifying Her When She Wore Leggings

The essay, titled, “Why I Chose to No Longer Wear Leggings,” opened with a disclaimer that Patridge was in “no way trying to tell people what they can and cannot wear.”


Source: Patheos

The Bend, Oregon, native opened up about how wearing leggings in public made her feel like she was being inappropriately stared at by men other than her husband, Dale. After talking about it with friends, she approached Dale with her concerns.


Her Husband Said it Was “Hard Not To Look” at Other Women

After Partridge’s husband admitted that it was “hard not to look” at women wearing form-fitting yoga pants, she felt strongly about no longer wearing them in public. She felt as though legging pants could “entice” men that were both married and single.


Source: Flickr

From There, she made a “personal vow” to only wear yoga pants accompanied by a shirt that covered her “rear end,” or in the privacy of her own home.

She Faced Backlash For Her Stance Against Wearing Yoga Pants

Veronica Partridge appeared on “Good Morning America” as well as several other media outlets in 2015 to discuss her polarizing think piece. She received intense backlash from women who disagreed with her opinion.


Source: WhoWhatWear

She was accused of “shaming” victims of assault by placing the blame on their attire rather than a man’s ability to have self-control. One person aptly asked, “Why do women constantly need to make it easier for men?”

The Leggings Were a Distraction From Other Marital Woes

Leggings may not have been the true cause of her concerns after all. In an interview with People, Partridge admitted that there were already problems in her marriage two years prior to her essay going viral.


Source: Veronica Partridge/Instagram

She said she had learned a lot about herself in couples counseling, revealing, “I learned that most of the arguments initiated by myself were because of my ridiculous jealousy, being unreasonable, and passive aggression.”