15 Harry Potter Plot Holes and Unsolved Mysteries
The unique world of Harry Potter captured us and inspired us to believe in magic! Hogwarts was a school we all wanted to attend. But the incredible series left some unanswered questions and plot holes that we can’t help but notice.
Was there really no spell to fix Harry’s eyesight? And why was Hogwarts running rampant with dementors if it is a safe place for children to learn magic? Granted, it’s a fantasyland, but we have to ponder some of these oversights and wonder what the explanations might be.
Questioning Dumbledore
Albus Dumbledore is one of the most intelligent and talented wizards of all time, and yet, there is more than one occasion where he seems to fail to use logic. For example, when Harry comes to him in Order of the Phoenix for guidance and support he ignores him.

Wizarding World
This boy had just witnessed the return of Voldemort and he chose to ignore him? It doesn’t seem to make much sense. However, a lot of fans agree that because Dumbledore knew how things would pan out with Harry and Voldemort he had to let Harry face certain battles without his help.
Polyjuice Potion
The polyjuice potion pops up in the Harry Potter universe in many of the films. It allows for the person using it to assume the form of someone else. It’s a potion that the students learned to use as early as age 12. So, why isn’t it used more often?

It would have been easy enough for Voldemort to use the potion to take on the form of a Hogwarts teacher and sneak into the school to confront and take down Harry. I guess this would have made it difficult for them to squeeze more than one book out of the franchise if this were the case.
Unlimited Food
In the Deathly Hallows, Ron, Harry, and Hermoine are on the run from Voldemort and the Death Eaters for most of the film. They get pretty hungry out there from lack of food. But, it seems like it should have been fairly easy to provide for themselves, being wizards and all.

Why didn’t they just duplicate the food they had with a spell? Or, they could use magic to catch their food and cook it. We’re surprised Hermoine didn’t think of these solutions but we’ll give the famous trio a pass since they were under immense stress.
Where’s the Backup?
In the Triwizard Tournament we saw wizards come to Hogwarts from all over the world. In particular, there were French and Bulgarian witches and wizards who participated in the games. So, where was the international help when it came to fighting Voldemort?

Wizarding World
The British wizards were left to fend for themselves when it came down to the nitty gritty. Perhaps the other countries were too fearful of He Who Shall Not Be Named. Maybe Dumbledore didn’t want to alarm the other countries to the dire circumstances they were facing with the dark wizard.
Hogwarts Is Not Safe!
Hogwarts is a school which parents send their children to learn magic in a safe environment, right? But Hogwarts is actually not a safe environment at all. Eventually, it became the least safe place for the young students to be. Remember Fluffy the three-headed dog and all those dementors flying around?

Even some of the teachers were evil! Dumbeldore hired Voldemort disguised as a teacher and a werewolf in a matter of a few years. Perhaps there should be a more strict hiring process when it comes to Hogwarts.
More Rights for House Elves
House elves are certainly among the most poorly treated creatures in the wizarding community. Harry releasing Dobby from the control of the Malfoys was a fan favorite scene. But it’s interesting that even good witches and wizards would keep them under their control.

House elves are usually used to do house work, run errands, and assist witches and wizards. But couldn’t they use magic to complete these tasks? Was Hermoine really the first witch to ever question this system?
Colin Creevey’s Camera
Colin Creevey is the young student who follows Harry around in Chamber of Secrets to snap the perfect picture of the Quidditch star. But, his camera turns out to be a major plot hole in the series.

Later, in the movie Goblet of Fire, it is revealed that muggle (human) technology doesn’t work at Hogwarts. Meaning, there’s no way that Colin’s camera could ever have worked. Major plot hole, indeed!
How Did Peter Pettigrew Hide For So Long?
Peter Pettigrew was the cowardly follower of Voldemort who hid for years as Ron Weasley’s pet rat, Scabbers. As Scabbers, he was a pesky pet who was only revealed when they found a toe missing, just like Peter.

How Did Peter Pettigrew Hide For So Long?
It’s curious that he was able to hide for so long when the Marauders’ Map exists! Fred and George had it in their possession before Harry. We wonder why they didn’t question the man named Peter sneaking all around the castle and hanging out in their brother Ron’s room.
How Could the Crowd Watch the Triwizard Tournament?
The Triwizard Tournament was apparently the most exciting event in the wizarding world in centuries! But, it seems like there was actually not all that much for the spectators at the event to enjoy.

In the second and third tasks the contestants are underwater or hidden in a giant maze. So, there really isn’t anything for the spectators to watch and enjoy. Did they just wait for hours in the stands to see who came out victorious? It’s not like it was televised like a football game.
The Relationship Between Dumbledore and Fawkes
We are introduced to Dumbledore’s trusty companion, Fawkes, in The Chamber of Secrets. The previously wild phoenix is obviously very close to Dumbledore. The bird is absolutely devastated by Dumbledore’s passing and is never seen again after the great wizard’s funeral.

Slash Film
But, we never get the backstory on how this relationship began or how it grew. We know Fawkes was wild before and it’s not an easy feat to tame a wild phoenix. But if anyone could do it, it’s the all mighty Dumbledore!
Harry’s Glasses
This is one of the plot holes that Harry Potter fans have debated since the beginning of the series! With this incredible world of magic, surely there must be a spell that can correct Harry’s eyesight with a simple flick of the wand.

15 Harry Potter Plot Holes and Unsolved Mysteries
And yet, the poor wizard has to wear his glasses through every conflict with Voldemort and suffers them breaking on more than one occasion. I guess he wouldn’t be as iconic without those circular specs!
How Big Are the Pipes at Hogwarts?
A major plot point to the Chamber of Secrets is that the Basilisk (that giant snake that belongs to good ole’ Voldemort) is hiding in the pipes of the school. It can leave its lair through the plumbing in the girls’ bathroom.

Wizarding World
But if you really think about it, those pipes must be huge to host that giant creature. This was no garden snake. Regular pipes could never fit the Basilisk, but then again this is Hogwarts we’re talking about. Maybe they’re magic pipes!
Money in the World of Magic
The economics of the wizarding world are difficult to wrap your head around. Firstly, how do you make money as a wizard? We know that some wizards work in shops, some teach at Hogwarts, and some work in the Ministry of Magic. But other than that, what kind of career opportunities are available to make money?

Wizarding World
Plus, if you have magic, couldn’t you just use it to make millions of dollars? Then this would cause a real inflation problem. Maybe there are unspoken laws against this practice? Or maybe it’s a huge plot hole in the Harry Potter franchise.
Education in The Wizarding World
We all know that Hogwarts is the most esteemed wizarding school in the wizarding world. And, how could it not be with Albus Dumbledore as headmaster? But, is there no elementary school before Hogwarts attendance or university after Hogwarts?

Wizarding World
How do children learn basic math, reading, and writing? Do witches and wizards inherently know these things? Because we are sure that while they’re learning about defense against the dark arts they are certainly not learning how to divide and multiply.